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Additional City CIP Websites

Capital Project Explorer

Use this interactive tool to find information about capital projects and programs that matter to you.

Project Filters and the Map are available to help you navigate through the many and diverse projects that make up the City of Austin's Capital Improvement Program (CIP). 

This site has information for all current projects funded by the Capital Budget, with the exception of projects funded by Austin Energy. The Map, however, shows only those projects that are in construction or that will be in construction within the next 6 months. A capital project is considered current if it is in one of the following project stages: Anticipated, Active, Construction, or Closeout. 

Follow this link or click the image below to access the City of Austin Capital Project Explorer



5-Year CIP

5 Year CIP 2.png

New for FY2021, the annual capital budget and the 5-year CIP plan are printed in the same document. The Austin Finance website provides the plan in a downloadable PDF. 

Follow this link to access the City of Austin Capital Improvement Program Plans

Open Budget ATX

Open Budget ATX is part of the City of Austin's commitment to transparency and Open Data. This site provides a guided view through the City's budget and how funds are allocated. The charts, graphs, and tables within are all highly interactive and we invite you to explore.


Follow this link  to access the City of Austin Open Budget Portal!/year/default

Open CIP Budget Portal.png
City Seal - White_transparent.PNG

Long-Range CIP Planning Fiscal Years 2021-2023

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