Strategic Investment Analysis
The Strategic Investment Analysis (SIA) examines the highlighted projects identified in the Rolling Needs Assessment (RNA), their relationship to City policies, and how their geographic dispersion could have potentially differing impacts throughout Austin. This allows decision makers, such as Planning Commission and CIP Program Managers, to see the alignment of and identify gaps in investment needs with the goals and priorities established in Imagine Austin and Strategic Direction 2023. Additionally, the SIA can help identify where investment should be prioritized to reduce harm on vulnerable populations. Tying investment needs to the City’s goals and priorities helps provide focus for recommending project types that align with greater community benefits. The SIA is presented as as series of trend graphs and interactive maps in hopes to provide enough contextual considerations so that investment decisions are informed and aim to elevate the quality of life for all Austinites. Note: The RNA includes highlighted projects only; it is not intended to address all future CIP needs.
The following graphs are provided to help understand and visualize the patterns of RNA highlighted project categorization. This data reflects the trends of what types of CIP projects have been submitted as highlighted RNA projects. Shown below are breakouts of these various project type categories: State of Renewal, Strategic Direction 2023 Outcome Area, and Infrastructure. In order to view more trends and breakout by other project type categories, see the RNA dataset table on the RNA page, where the data can be downloaded for further analysis.
Disclaimer: The RNA data set provided is a snapshot of department selected highlighted projects. Departments selections are based on department determined criteria and are a component of their Capital Program. Some projects highlighted have a dedicated funding source that is anticipated to accommodate all project needs, some may have funding gaps, and some may still need stakeholder input and are unfunded. Funding for projects will be identified as funding sources become available.
State of Renewal
Heading 1

Strategic Direction 2023 Outcome Area

Infrastructure Type
Disclaimer: The RNA data set provided is a snapshot of department selected highlighted projects. Departments selections are based on department determined criteria and are a component of their Capital Program. Some projects highlighted have a dedicated funding source that is anticipated to accommodate all project needs, some may have funding gaps, and some may still need stakeholder input and are unfunded. Funding for projects will be identified as funding sources become available.
Interactive Maps
In addition to policy goals, capital improvement needs exist throughout the City. To facilitate an understanding of how recommending projects could create different impacts in different parts of the City and help to employ a location-based capital planning framework, five maps are provided as part of the SIA. These maps include RNA highlighted projects overlayed or symbolized by key policy drivers and project types. Note: the interactive maps do not include all RNA highlighted projects as some are unable to be mapped; therefore, not all projects found in the RNA table will have a corresponding map feature.:
1. Image Austin Growth Corridors and Centers
2. DTI Population Growth
3. Uprooted: Vulnerability to Gentrification
4. Infrastructure Type
5. Strategic Direction 2023 Outcome Type
1. Imagine Austin Growth Corridors and Centers – the city has identified where growth should be concentrated and we should understand how project needs align with where growth is desired. The Growth Concept Map applies the Imagine Austin vision statement to the city’s physical development. Generated through a public scenario-building process, it defines how we plan to accommodate new residents, jobs, mixed use areas, open space, and transportation infrastructure over the next 20-30 years.
Learn more in the Imagine Austin plan here
2. DTI Population Growth – there is a difference between identified areas where growth is desired and where growth is actually happening; just as we need to understand project alignments with desired growth areas, need to see relationship with actual growth projections. The City of Austin’s “DTI 2040 Population and Employment Forecast” is a long-range, small-polygon-based population and employment forecast produced by the City Demographer in conjunction with other City departments, most notably Austin Water. The close collaboration between the City’s Planning Department and the City’s Water Utility spans many decades and is responsible for the production of several accurate population and employment forecasts over the years. DTI is an acronym, standing for Delphi, Trends and Imagine Austin, and 2040 refers to the final year of the forecast, also known as the forecast horizon. The specific influences exerted on the overall forecast by the components of Delphi, Trends, and Imagine Austin are discussed in detail in the methodology sections of this document. DTI 2040 is the first long-range, small-polygon-based forecast to be collectively and collaboratively created by City departments for Austin following the release of Census 2010 data. The fundamental purpose of the forecast is to predict the future total population and employment within each polygon in the study area, for the year 2020 and the horizon year 2040.
Learn more about the City of Austin Demographics program here
3. Uprooted Vulnerability – it has become clear that growth and CIP investment often times lead to increased displacement pressures that drive gentrification, which in turn harms the vulnerable populations and communities that investments are intended to serve. Decision makers need to understand that if projects are recommended for funding, there may be a need for displacement prevention and community strengthening tools in coordination with project investment.
Learn more about the Uprooted Report here
4. Strategic Direction 2023 Outcome Type: The City is committed to fostering complete communities where every Austinite, in every stage of life, has access to opportunities to experience and contribute to each of the SD23 outcomes:
Economic Opportunity and Affordability: Having economic opportunities and resources that enable us to thrive in our community.
Mobility: Getting us where we want to go, when we want to get there, safely and cost-effectively.
Safety: Being safe in our home, at work, and in our community.
Health and Environment: Enjoying a sustainable environment and a healthy life, physically and mentally
Culture and Lifelong Learning: Being enriched by Austin's unique civic, cultural, ethnic, and learning opportunities.
Government That Works for All: Believing that city government works effectively and collaboratively for all of us - that it is equitable, ethical and innovative.
Learn more about Strategic Direction 2023 here
5. Infrastructure Type – in addition to seeing the numerical breakdown of projects by IA and SD23 policies, we can understand if certain types are projects are being identified in equitable distribution across the city
While these maps do create a geographic understanding of identified projects, they do not indicate that projects should be recommended in some areas and not in others. Capital needs exist throughout the City and these maps are intended to serve as a guide for understanding the potential impacts decisions can have with CIP investment in different areas of Austin.
Two SIA interactive map formats are available and provide users an opportunity to visualize and engage with data on different levels:
The Storymap embedded below can be used to visualize how the Rolling Needs Assessment spatially relates to the key datasets described above.
A second map is built off the key datasets listed above and provides the functionality to filter data for a deeper understanding of the Rolling Needs Assessment. This map will open in a new window by clicking here.
Disclaimer: The RNA data set provided is a snapshot of department selected highlighted projects. Departments selections are based on department determined criteria and are a component of their Capital Program. Not all RNA highlighted projects are able to be mapped; therefore, not all projects found in the RNA table will have a corresponding map feature. Some projects highlighted have a dedicated funding source that is anticipated to accommodate all project needs, some may have funding gaps, and some may still need stakeholder input and are unfunded. Funding for projects will be identified as funding sources become available. This product has been produced by the Housing and Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.