Long-Range Capital Improvement Program Planning
Long-Range CIP Planning is part of a larger Capital Improvement Program planning cycle. Looking out 10 years or beyond, it takes a data driven, collaborative planning approach aimed to accomplish the following goals:
Long-Range CIP Planning Process
Because Long-Range CIP Planning provides a stronger link between Imagine Austin and identified capital improvement needs and because the effort assists Planning Commission with fulfilling its City Charter requirement, the Planning and Zoning Department assumed lead responsibility after the Capital Planning Office was reorganized to form a Corridor Program Office in 2017. In 2020 the Planning and Zoning Department merged to form the Housing and Planning Department (HPD). HPD works collaboratively with the Budget Office as well as the Public Works Department's Asset Management Office to ensure Long-Range CIP Planning meets its stated goals.
The bi-annual process to engage with City CIP departments to update data important to informing Long-Range CIP Planning kicks off in the Fall. This provides an opportunity for staff across multiple departments to coordinate and collaborate for a best-managed approach to CIP planning. Specifically, the Budget Office leads the Rolling Needs Assessment process where CIP departments throughout the organization identify unfunded and funded infrastructure needs over the next 10 years. The Public Works Department's Asset Management Office leads the Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment (CIA) to ensure an evaluation of existing city-owned infrastructure across asset types is conducted and data is being updated. Housing and Planning produces the strategic investment analysis and facilitates Planning Commission's work to meet their stated City Charter requirements.
Challenges and Opportunities
The City's infrastructure networks are operated, maintained, and improved as a system; the interconnectedness of this system provides benefit to and is paid for by the entire community as well as supported by private investments in new development. The geographic location and condition of existing infrastructure and planned, new infrastructure provides the context in which the City identifies future capital needs. Because CIP decisions are made incrementally by a range of individuals and organizations, it is sometimes difficult to determine how these decisions collectively affect the City's ability to achieve long-term goals stated in Imagine Austin while ensuring all Austin residents have equitable access to basic infrastructure. The data and analysis specific to Long-Range CIP Planning provide a lens through which to view collective impacts of individual decisions. It also provides an opportunity to identify any gaps in striking a balance between immediate infrastructure needs and long-term goals.

Align capital needs and investment opportunities with the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan and Strategic Direction 2023
Respond to a City Charter requirement that the Planning Commission provide a recommended list of CIP needs to the City Manager, which is used to inform the development of the 5-year Capital Improvement Program
The most current submission of recommended Capital Improvements transmitted to the City Manager by Planning Commission occurred in June of 2021.