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Education and Engagement

The City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department, often in collaboration with other departments and outside organizations, hosts a series events throughout the year to promote and implement the policies and vision set forth in the comprehensive plan. The Covid-19 pandemic, associated social distancing requirements and budgetary issues forced the cancellation of five speaker series and one walking tour for the season.  We hope to be back in 2021 to discuss relevant topics that are important to our city through shared dialogue and mutual learning.

Topics covered last year included displacement and gentrification, mobility justice, solutions to ending homelessness, Census 2020, and residential solar energy systems

Imagine Austin Speaker Series

Watch videos from previous events and learn more at

Imagine Austin Newsletter

Over the past 12 months, the Long-Range Planning Division sent out nine issues of the Imagine Austin Newsletter. The newsletter currently has approximately 5,575 contacts and an average open rate of 18% (700 readers). The typical newsletter includes around 8-10 features from City departments highlighting projects, programs, and upcoming events. Since March 2020, the Imagine Austin newsletter shifted from promoting community events to providing longer articles detailing the important work that City departments are continuing to do during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Imagine Austin Educational Opportunities

The Imagine Austin implementation team regularly distributes educational materials and speaks to organizations, clubs, classes, and groups about the comprehensive plan. This year we spoke with architects and designers at the Austin Green Building Seminar, students ranging from middle school to graduate school, City staff and community members in various settings.


Check out Imagine Austin educational resources available on our website, stay in touch by following our monthly newsletter, and follow us on social medias.







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Imagine Austin Annual Report      September 2020

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