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Land Development Code Rewrite


In 2019, and prior to the Judge’s ruling in March of 2020, the City Council directed the City Manager to offer a LDC Revision process that achieves the goals set out in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, the Strategic Housing Blueprint, the Watershed Protection Master Plan, the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, and the Austin Strategic Direction 2023


In developing a new process, the City Manager asked Council five policy questions that would drive the content of the LDC Revision. On May 2, 2019, Council provided its policy direction that directed staff to: 

  • ​Create a new land development code and zoning map concurrently 

  • Plan for approximately 400,000 residential units over the next 10 years as a means of achieving the 135,000 unit goal established by the Strategic Housing Blueprint 

  • Encourage smaller scale, multi-family housing to address Austin’s missing middle housing types 

  • Consider vulnerable populations in the development of the draft code, map, and district-level planning 

  • Prioritize a development pattern that supports 50/50 Transportation Mode share by 2039 (our Austin Strategic Mobility Plan) 

  • Reduce minimum parking requirements 

  • Reduce the impact of compatibility standards 

  • Improve water quality and reduce flood risk 

  • Provide a clear public process for Austinites, including timelines and opportunities for public input, and how their input has been received and used 

  • Provide the draft code text and zoning map for Council action in October of 2019 


Additionally, recognizing the role of area planning in further application of modernized land use regulations in support of the Imagine Austin vision, City Council also directed staff to create a new planning process for district level planning. This new planning process should specifically focus on elevation the voices of populations that have historically been underrepresented in planning processes, including: renters, lower-income residents, youth, seniors, people of color, and people with disabilities. 


The City Manager assembled a broad-based and cross-functional team that has been working collaboratively to share in the responsibility of drafting a revised code and map. A few milestones of the LDC Revision team’s 2019 – 2020 activities include:  

  • Release of LDC Revision draft code texts, maps, as well as supplemental reports: 

  • Public engagement events, including town halls, open houses, public code testing, office hours, and community stakeholder meetings 

  • Planning Commission hearings 

  • 1st Reading at City Council 

  • 2nd Reading at City Council 


While staff is in the process of assessing options with respect to the Judge’s March 2020 ruling, it is important to remember the Land Development Code is one tool in the toolbox to address our city’s current and future challenges.



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Imagine Austin Annual Report      September 2020

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