Implementation Highlights
As the city continues to implement the policies and actions contained in the comprehensive plan, education and engagement of both the public as well as City staff across departments is a top priority. The City uses a variety of media and forums to highlight success stories.
Fulfilling the big picture vision of the comprehensive plan requires the City of Austin to take a more collaborative, cross-departmental approach to major initiatives. With this in mind, City staff are better integrating department work programs, decision-making, and long range budgets to implement Imagine Austin.
As City departments continue with budgeting and capital planning for the upcoming fiscal year and beyond, new requests for both operating and capital funding are being reviewed against Imagine Austin's vision, policies, and priority programs.
Aligning and creating regulations in order to better support the comprehensive plan is a major tool for implementing Imagine Austin. Revision out-dated regulations and codes or pursuing forward-thinking solutions can move us closer as a city to our vision for our future.

Imagine Austin is a big plan with big ideas that extend beyond what the City of Austin can do as a single entity. Partnerships are critical to realizing Imagine Austin's community-wide vision.